INODE team members are co-organizing a minisymposium on the semantic integration of biological resources, on 8 July 2021, at the Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC) Conference. PASC21 will be held from July 5 to 9, 2021 as a digital event.
Motivation: One major potential and promise of big data analysis lies in the simultaneous mining andintegration of multiple heterogeneous sources of data. In life sciences, recent years have seenthe increasing availability of biological and bioinformatic databases using the ResourceDescription Framework (RDF), which facilitates automatic data processing andinteroperability. However, there are major stumbling blocks on the path to mass adoption.The complexity of general-purpose models, inconsistent data models, and low usability aresome of the challenges that hamper the use of RDF resources by the bulk of biologicalresearchers. This mini-symposium brings together specialists on semantic data integration inlife science and will provide a forum to explore innovative solutions to fulfill the potential ofbig data integration.